 | Frequently Asked Questions |
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| Q. Do all women experience sexual pain? | It is estimated that 14 out of every 100 American women are affected by the experience of sexual pain at some point in their lives. There are many reasons that a woman might experience pain during sex, however one of the most common reasons for sexual pain is a physical disorder called "vulvodynia". |
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| Q. What is incontinence? | The unexpected loss of urine in any amount, on a regular basis, in an inconvenient place is incontinence. This may include a few drops of urine loss throughout the day or the consistent and substantial loss of urine at any given time. Regardless of the definition of incontinence, any amount of urine loss that is troublesome to the person experiencing it should be taken seriously. |
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| Q. What is Interstitial Cystitis? | Interstitial Cystitis (IC) means cystitis, or inflammation, in the bladder wall. In this case, however, the inflammation does not appear to come from an invasion of bacteria. Its cause is unkown and because symptoms vary so much from person to person, and response to treatment is so unpredicatable, doctors specializing in the treatment of IC are beginning to consider it as a complex system of symptomatology with a number of possible causes. |
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| Q. What is the Pelvic Floor? | The Pelvic Floor is a muscular platform which supports the bladder, genital organs and rectum. If the abdomen and the pelvic cavity were viewed as a container, the foundation of the container would be the "Pelvic Floor". |
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| Q. Who has incontinence? | It is estimated that 10 to 15 million in the United States are reported to have some degree of incontinence, but because of the reluctance to report the condition, the figure could be as high as 30 million. Many women can become incontinent after childbrith, hysterectomy or other pelvic surgery. Up to 2% of men develop incontinence after surgery for prostate enlargement, and between 5 to 15% will experience urine loss after surgery for prostate surgery. In short, about one person in twenty-five in the United States and Canada suffers from incontinence, making it one of our most common medical conditions. |
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